Student Financial Aid and Scholarships FAQ Heading link
Q: What is the Illinois MAP Reduction and why did ISAC reduce the Illinois MAP Grant?
A: On December 17th, the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) informed Illinois institutions that, due to a budget shortfall from the State of Illinois, the MAP Grant Award for the 2024-2025 Aid Year will be reduced by 4% for all MAP Grant recipients.
Q: Will the institution cover the MAP Reduction?
A: To support Chancellor Miranda’s primary goal of student access, the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) will provide coverage for your MAP Grant reduction through the UIC MAP GAP Grant.
Q: How much will my MAP reduction be?
A: Students will see an 8% reduction in their Spring MAP award, which varies based on the number of registered credit hours for the semester. Please refer to the chart below for more details. Note that this reduction will be offset by the UIC MAP GAP Grant, which will cover the difference.
Spring MAP Reduction Table
Credit hours | Original Spring MAP award | Reduced MAP award | Difference |
3 | $840.00 | $772.80 | $67.20 |
4 | $1,120.00 | $1,030.40 | $89.60 |
5 | $1,400.00 | $1,288.00 | $112.00 |
6 | $1,680.00 | $1,545.60 | $134.40 |
7 | $1,960.00 | $1,803.20 | $156.80 |
8 | $2,240.00 | $2,060.80 | $179.20 |
9 | $2,520.00 | $2,318.40 | $201.60 |
10 | $2,800.00 | $2,576.00 | $224.00 |
11 | $3,080.00 | $2,833.60 | $246.40 |
12 | $3,360.00 | $3,091.20 | $268.80 |
13 | $3,640.00 | $3,348.80 | $291.20 |
14 | $3,920.00 | $3,606.40 | $313.60 |
15 | $4,200.00 | $3,864.00 | $336.00 |
Q: I only attended Fall semester; how will the MAP Reduction affect me?
A: All students who are MAP Grant Recipients will see a decrease in the 2024-25 MAP Grant with a subsequent credit to their account with the UIC MAP GAP Grant.
- Students enrolled in Fall 2024 and enrolled for Spring 2025 will see the decrease and credit occur only on their Spring Map Award.
- If a student only attended the Fall 2024 semester, the decrease and credit will reflect on the Fall portion of the MAP Grant.
Q: I received a MAP Grant and a refund during the Fall semester. Will I still receive a refund for the Spring semester?
A: If you received a refund during the Fall semester and are enrolled in the same number of credit hours for the Spring semester, your Spring refund will remain unchanged. The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) will apply the UIC MAP GAP award to compensate for the reduction in the MAP Grant.
Q: When will the MAP Reduction occur?
A: The MAP Reduction will occur before the first Spring 2025 Disbursement of January 3, 2025. You will be able to view the amount paid from your Spring 2025 MAP grant AFTER that date here: https://paymybill.uillinois.edu/
Q: I only get a MAP Grant; how does the MAP Reduction affect me?
A: Students receiving only MAP grants will see a 4% reduction in their total award for the 2024-25 Aid Year. UIC will provide the UIC MAP GAP award to replace the reduced MAP Grant funds.
Q: Am I responsible for late fees if the MAP reduction creates an account balance?
A: Student account balances for the Spring 2025 are issued on February 2, 2025, and are due in full on February 28, 2025. If a student has a pending account balance after the February 28th date, a late payment will be incurred on their account, which the student will be responsible for.
Q: Will the Map Reduction happen in the future?
A: Financial aid programs funded through ISAC can change at any time. The State of Illinois budget may impact financial aid programs available to students.
Q: Where can I complete the FAFSA?
A: The FAFSA can be completed at https://studentaid.gov.
Q: What do I need to log into the FAFSA?
A: You must have your FSA ID to log into the FAFSA
You’ll need to create a StudentAid.gov account to access and fill out the FAFSA form.
Your contributors will each need their own StudentAid.gov account.
*Contributor is a new term—it refers to anyone (you, your spouse, your biological or adoptive parent, or your parent’s spouse) required to provide information on your FAFSA form.
Q: What if I/my contributor do not have a Social Security Number (SSN)?
A: As a student, you’ll be required to enter your Social Security number (SSN) to create a StudentAid.gov account unless you’re a citizen of the Freely Associated States.
Your contributors who don’t have an SSN can create a StudentAid.gov account to complete their section of your FAFSA form.
Q: How do I report tax information on the FAFSA?
A: You and your contributors must provide consent and approval to have your federal tax information transferred directly from the IRS into your FAFSA form. Providing consent and approval is mandatory, even if you or your contributors don’t have an SSN, didn’t file a tax return, or filed a tax return outside the U.S.
Q: What if my household income has changed?
A: Please complete the FAFSA with the information from the required tax year then contact UIC’s Financial Aid Office to discuss completing the Change of Financial Situation process.
Q: What is UIC’s School Code?
A: The school code is 001776.
Q: Why haven’t I received my Financial Aid Notification?
A: You may have a pending student requirement. Please log into the student portal at https://my.uic.edu and review your student requirements.
Q: Is there a deadline for submitting the Dependent/Independent Verification Worksheet or any documents that may be required from me?
A: We recommend submitting outstanding financial aid requirements as soon as possible. The deadline for submitting outstanding financial aid documents is two weeks before the end of classes for each semester. The specific dates can be found on the SFAS Calendar.
Q: How can I submit my documentation?
A: Documents can be uploaded on the student portal https://my.uic.edu, submitted in person, faxed or mailed to our office.
Office address and fax number:
Student Financial Aid & Scholarships
University of Illinois at Chicago
1200 W Harrison (M/C 334), Suite 1800
Chicago, Illinois 60607
Fax: 312.996.3385
*We do not accept documentation via email.
Q. What if I am having issues uploading my documents.
A: You can click hereto view the PDF Upload Guide for assistance.
Q: I received an email, and it says it’s from UIC Financial Aid. Is it real?
A: Emails sent to you from the UIC Financial Aid office (faomail@uillinois.edu) will always say, “** This is an automated UIC Financial Aid communication. Please do not reply to this email **” and never contain attachments.
Q: Can I email my documents back to Financial Aid?
A: We cannot open email attachments for security reasons. However, you can upload your documents by logging into the UIC Portal at https://my.uic.edu. From the list on “Financial Aid Pages,” select “Home,” and you will find your Unsatisfied Student Requirements listed on the “Home” page. Choose the requirement you want to upload and click “Choose File.” Once the file is loaded, click on “Submit.” You will see a message confirming that the document was “successfully submitted and is pending review” if the upload was successful.
Please read the PDF upload guide, which can be accessed at https://docs.financialaid.uic.edu/docs/PDF_upload_guide.pdf. If you face any issues while uploading your documents, you can fax them to our office or submit them in person. However, please note that the document status on your portal may take up to two weeks to update to “received.” For your convenience, we have included our office address and fax number below:
Student Financial Aid & Scholarships
University of Illinois at Chicago
1200 W Harrison (M/C 334), Suite 1800
Chicago, Illinois 60607
Fax: 312.996.3385
Q: How can I contact my Financial Aid Advisor via email?
A: Please find your Financial Aid Advisor’s email below based on your College of Study.
Graduate & Professional Programs
College E-mail
Online Programs ONLINEFinAid@uic.edu
Pharmacy PHARMFinAid@uic.edu
Graduate Professional GRADFinaid@uic.edu
Nursing NURSEFinAid@uic.edu
Dentistry DENTFinAid@uic.edu
Undergraduate Programs
College E-mail
Arch., Design & the Arts CADAFinAid@uic.edu
Engineering ENGFinAid@uic.edu
Business Administration CBAFinAid@uic.edu
Education EDUCFinAid@uic.edu
CUPPA CUPPAFinAid@uic.edu
Public Health PHFinAid@uic.edu
LAS (Last Name: A-F) LASA-FFinAid@uic.edu
LAS (Last Name: G-N) LASG-NFinAid@uic.edu
LAS (Last Name: O-Z) LASO-ZFinAid@uic.edu
Q: My Financial Aid Notification says I am living On/Off Campus but I am living at home. Will I be billed for housing?
A: You will only be billed for housing if you have a signed housing agreement with UIC Campus Housing office.
* For more information on UIC Housing options, please visit this link:
Q: How do I apply for federal student loans?
A: Students apply for federal student loans by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each academic year.
Q: How do I accept/decline my loans?
A: To accept or decline your loans, please follow the steps below:
1. Log in to the portal at https://my.uic.edu.
2. Select the “Financial Aid Status” menu.
3. From the list on “Financial Aid Pages,” select “Financial Aid Notification.”
4. Read the Terms and Conditions and check the box to confirm that you have read the notice.
5. Once you accept the Terms and Conditions, you can view your notification.
6. To accept your financial aid offer, click the “Accept/Decline Aid” button located at the bottom of the page.
7. Review the offer and choose to “Accept”, “Decline”, or “Modify” the offer.
8. Finally, click the “submit” button to complete the process at the bottom of the page.
If you are a first time borrower, please be sure to complete the loan requirements.
Entrance Counseling: https://studentaid.gov/
MPN https://studentaid.gov/
Once you follow these steps, the loans will pay toward your school bill; any amount you accept over your school balance will be sent to you via a refund.
If you still need to enroll in Direct Deposit, please use the link below.
Q: What is the deadline for accepting my federal loans?
A: The deadline for accepting federal loans in any given semester is generally about two weeks before the end of that semester. The specific deadlines can be found on the SFAS Calendar.
Q: Can I still receive loans even if I originally declined them?
A: Yes, previously declined loans can still be accepted. Please email your Financial Aid Advisor to submit a request for your loans to be reinstated.
*Your Financial Aid Advisor can be contacted here.
Q: If I realized I did not borrow enough federal loans, how can I apply for more?
A: Students who accepted a partial amount of the federal loans are still able to request an increase in loans. Please email your Financial Aid Advisor to submit a request for your loans to be increased.
*Your Financial Aid Advisor can be contacted here.
Q: I borrowed more loan money than I need, can I give back some of my loan(s)?
A: Students could reduce loans at any time during the semester if they borrowed more than necessary. Please email your Financial Aid Advisor to submit a request for your loans to be decreased. *Typed requests should be as specific as possible.
*Please Note: When a loan has already been disbursed to a student’s account, any reduction in funds will be billed back from the student’s account and will result in a balance owed to UIC. Students who received a refund from loans will need to use that refund to pay the resulting balance. Students who used loans to pay tuition and fees but did not receive a refund will be responsible for paying their loan reduction balance.
*Your Financial Aid Advisor can be contacted here.
Q: What's the difference between Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans?
A: The difference between Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans is the accrual of interest. Subsidized loans will NOT accrue interest while the student remains enrolled in school at least half-time (6 or more credit hours for undergraduate students). Interest on Unsubsidized loans will accrue from the date of disbursement. More detailed information about both Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans can be found here.
Q: I am a RISE student. Why was I not offered Federal loans?
A: Students who complete an Alternative Application (RISE) are not eligible for federal grants or loans. RISE applicants are only eligible for state and Institutional grants.
Q: I am a graduate or professional student at UIC who tried to apply for a Graduate PLUS loan on the Federal Student Aid website, but it says that UIC does not participate. How do I apply for a Graduate PLUS loan?
A: Graduate and professional students who have a FAFSA on file with our office will be offered any applicable Graduate PLUS loan through their financial aid notification. If the student accepts the Graduate PLUS loan through their financial aid notification, then the Department of Education will conduct the required credit check to determine eligibility for the Graduate PLUS loan. Once conducted, the student will be notified of the results of their credit check through the Department of Education.
Q: When does my financial aid pay?
A: Financial aid payments are called disbursements, and they are made no earlier than ten days before the start of a semester. You can find disbursement dates and other important deadlines on the SFAS Calendar. After the first payment in the Fall semester, additional payments are made regularly on Wednesday and Friday mornings throughout the semester.
Q: Why haven't my loans disbursed to my student account?
A: There are a few reasons why loans may not be disbursed. Unsatisfied requirements and enrollment are two items that are reviewed before payment.
If you have any unsatisfied requirements on the student portal, your loans will not be disbursed. Please visit https://my.uic.edu on the financial aid menu; you can view your student requirements.
Loans will be disbursed for students enrolled at least half-time. Half-time is six or more credit hours for undergraduate and professional students and five or more for graduate students.
All Loans, including Federal Direct Stafford Subsidized/Unsubsidized, Parent/Grad PLUS, and Campus-based loans such as HPSL and Nursing Student loans, have mandatory requirements.
Undergraduate and Graduate Federal Direct loans require Entrance Counseling and a Master Promissory Note (MPN) before disbursement. Parents approved for a Parent PLUS loan must complete an MPN.
Students and parents can complete all federal loan requirements on the Department of Education’s website at http://studentaid.gov.
For all campus-based loans, students must have completed a Promissory Note, available on the Heartland ECSI website.
*Graduate PLUS loan disbursement is subject to credit approval. A Graduate PLUS loan that has been denied due to adverse credit will not be disbursed. Students can view a PLUS loan denial notification by logging in to http://studentaid.gov and clicking the “View Your Documents” and then “PLUS Correspondence” link from the menu.
Q: How do I apply for institutional grant programs?
A: To apply for institutional grant programs, there are two applications available. Students should complete the application that applies to their situation.
US Citizens and Eligible Non-Citizens can fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to be considered for all federal, state, and institutional grants.
Undocumented students who have graduated from an Illinois high school can complete an Alternative Application (RISE) to be considered for state and institutional grants.
Both applications require UIC’s federal school code (001776) so UIC can receive your application.
Q: Are students admitted in the spring semester eligible for institutional grants?
A: Yes – students admitted who have completed a FAFSA or RISE application will receive full consideration for all institutional grants for Spring semester.
Q: Who is eligible to receive the UIC Opportunity Grant?
A: Undergraduate Illinois residents working toward their 1st bachelor’s degree with an SAI 7395 or less can expect a $3700 UIC Opportunity Grant. The Opportunity Grant can be renewed for up to 8 paid semesters for incoming students and 4 paid semesters for transfer students. For more information, please see our UIC Opportunity Grant section.
Q: Why did I receive the MAP grant last year, but not this year?
A: Every year ISAC, the state agency that administers the MAP Grant Program, determine a FAFSA and RISE submission deadline for MAP eligibility. Any student who submits their initial FAFSA or RISE after the state MAP deadline will not be eligible to receive it for that upcoming academic year.
UIC’s priority deadline to submit the FAFSA is February 15th. These deadlines are subject to change. UIC encourages students file as soon as possible after the FAFSA is available on October 1.
The MAP Grant is a need-based award. MAP Grant eligibility is determined by FASFA information and tuition, differential and fees charged at UIC.
There are limits to MAP Grant eligibility based on grade level and total credit hours. Those details can be found at the bottom of the State Grant page here.
The MAP Grant is available only to Illinois residents and/or the dependents of Illinois residents. If a student or their parents (for dependent students) no longer reside in Illinois, they will no longer be eligible for the MAP Grant.
Q: Why is there an adjustment on my MAP Grant?
A: It’s important to note that the MAP Grant pays on the number of credit hours enrolled. Students enrolled in 15 or more credit hours will receive 100% of the MAP Grant award as stated in their financial aid notification. However, if you enroll in fewer than 15 credit hours, the MAP Grant will be prorated accordingly. It’s important to remember that any changes in the number of credit hours after the initial disbursement of the MAP Grant may lead to adjustments in the funds already paid to your student account. More information on how enrollment affects the MAP Grant is available here.
Q: If I enroll part-time, will my financial aid be adjusted?
A: If you enroll part-time, your MAP and Pell Grants will be adjusted. Additionally, loans, Federal Work-Study, and institutional aid may also be adjusted if your reduced enrollment reduces your financial need. Please note that to receive institutional grants, Federal Work-Study and loans, you must enroll at least half-time, which is 6 credits.
Q: Why were my loans cancelled or reduced when I received my scholarship or tuition waiver?
A: All students have a Cost of Attendance that is shown on their financial aid notification. According to federal regulations, financial aid resources cannot exceed the Cost of Attendance. If an additional scholarship or tuition waiver exceeds the Cost of Attendance, any federal or private loans may be reduced or canceled to ensure that students remain within their Cost of Attendance.
Q: What is Federal Work Study?
A: Federal Work Study (FWS) refers to the money used to pay a student for hours worked at a part-time job on campus or off-campus through the American Reads program. The America Reads program offers a limited number of positions as off-campus tutors with the Chicago Public Schools. UIC and the federal government fund the FWS program.
The FWS amount shown on a financial aid notification is the total amount a student may earn for the academic year. Students who are offered FWS are responsible for finding on-campus employment to earn these funds. FWS employees are paid through a paycheck; FWS funds do not go towards tuition charges with the University. To search for a FWS job, visit the Office of Student Employment website.
Q: How can I get Federal Work Study?
A: Federal Work Study (FWS) is a need-based part-time employment program, so students must be eligible for FWS based on their FAFSA data. Students interested in FWS should indicate their interest when completing their FAFSA application each year. Please note that FWS funding is limited to undergraduate students.
If you are not offered FWS on your financial aid notification and are interested in obtaining a FWS job, contact your Financial Aid Advisor to submit a request for FWS. Due to limited funding availability, not all requests for funding can be granted. Requests are reviewed in the order in which they are received.
To search for a FWS job, visit the Office of Student Employment website.
Q: If I drop a course, how will this affect my financial aid?
A: Students may freely add or drop courses until the end of the add/drop period of the semester, which is determined by the Office of the Registrar. If a course is dropped during the add/drop period, the total number of credit hours is reduced, which may result in an adjustment of tuition and fees along with eligibility for certain types of aid. Students who received a refund based upon higher enrollment may need to repay funds. For information regarding how enrollment affects the most common types of financial aid, please visit this link.
Q: What happens if I withdraw from a course after the add/drop period of the semester?
A: Withdrawing from a course or courses after the add/drop period (not a full withdrawal from a semester) does not affect current term aid or enrollment hours; however, students receive a grade of “W” for the course(s) they withdrew from. Withdrawals can impact future aid eligibility by lowering course completion ratios. See the SAP Policy for information about course completion ratio requirements.
If enrollment hours are retroactively reduced resulting in a student not meeting minimum enrollment for aid programs received, tuition assessment and eligibility for financial aid may be affected. This can occur at any point during the term, as well as after the term has ended.
Q: What happens if I withdraw from all my courses after the add/drop period of the semester?
A: When a student withdraws from all of their classes in a given semester, two separate processes occur. The Office of the Registrar may prorate tuition and some fees (according to their withdrawal policy and refund schedule), and Student Financial Aid and Scholarships (SFAS) prorates financial aid as required by federal regulations. An explanation of this proration process can be found here.
Q: What is an “unofficial withdrawal,” and how does it impact my financial aid eligibility?
A: If a student stops attending all classes during a semester without going through the University’s withdrawal process this is considered an “unofficial withdrawal.” At the end of each semester, SFAS identifies all students who did not pass at least one class and will work with the colleges to document the last date of attendance. Using that information, a student’s aid eligibility will be recalculated using a federal Return of Funds calculation, which may result in a reduction in eligibility for financial aid and a resulting balance on the student account with the Bursar’s Office.
Q: How do I get financial aid if I decide to attend classes during the summer?
A: All students who are degree-seeking and have a FAFSA on file for the current academic year will be considered for financial aid during the summer semester if they meet the enrollment requirements. Summer financial aid eligibility is evaluated upon enrollment. Undergraduate and graduate students must be enrolled in a minimum of 5 credit hours to receive a revised financial aid notification for the summer semester; professional students must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours to receive a revised financial aid notification for the summer semester. For more information, view the Summer Financial Aid section found here.
Q: Are there grants available for summer classes at UIC?
A: The only grant available to eligible undergraduate students during the summer semester is the Federal Pell Grant. The MAP Grant and the UIC Opportunity Grant are not available during the summer session. Most students are only eligible for loans during the summer semester.
Q: Why hasn't my tuition waiver been applied to my student account?
A: For graduate assistants with a Graduate Assistantship (GA), Research Assistantship (RA), or Teaching Assistantship (TA), SFAS can only post and pay waivers after a qualifying employment appointment is processed by university HR confirming that a student meets their eligibility criteria: between 25%-67% employment covering at least 91 continuous days of the semester (or 41 continuous days in summer). Graduate Assistants must also be enrolled in at least 8 credit hours in the fall and spring semesters (and at least 3 credit hours in the summer) for a waiver to be paid.
For students awarded Board of Trustees (BOT) Tuition Waivers or Graduate College Waivers (as part of a fellowship, traineeship, etc.), these waivers are reported to SFAS by the Graduate College each semester. If a waiver has not paid, it may not have been reported yet. BOT and Graduate College Waivers require 9 or more credit hours during the fall and spring semesters and 3 credit hours in the summer, unless specifically indicated otherwise.
For Child of Employee Tuition Waivers, the parent/employee must complete the online application and the student must submit a Benefit Utilization Record to our office. Specific details and policies are found on the System Human Resource Services website.
UIC Academic Professional and Civil-Service employees may be eligible for Employee Tuition Waivers if you are a student at UIC. Please see the UIC HR website for more information on employee tuition waiver eligibility and limitations.
Illinois Veterans Grant, Illinois National Guard Grant, and POW/MIA Waivers are administered through ISAC and SFAS. If you apply and are approved for any of the aforementioned forms of financial assistance, you must submit your ISAC Notice of Eligibility to SFAS. If you have any additional questions regarding IVG, ING or POW/MIA please contact ISAC or SFAS.
For more information on common waivers, please view the SFAS website. To ask about a different type of waiver, please contact us.
Q: My financial aid was cancelled/suspended because I am not meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements, what can I do to pay for next semester? Can I appeal? How can I regain my financial aid eligibility?
A: Financial aid can be cancelled due to failure to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements. Undergraduate, graduate, and professional students must maintain a 2.0 GPA and complete at least 67% of their attempted credit hours to meet SAP requirements. Additionally, a student cannot exceed 150% of their required degree credits, which means that undergraduate students cannot exceed 180 credit hours towards their bachelor’s degree.
SAP evaluations occur at the conclusion of every spring semester in mid-May, and students who are cancelled due to not meeting the SAP requirements are notified by email.
If financial aid is cancelled from failure to meet SAP requirements, students may submit a SAP Appeal to potentially regain their financial aid eligibility. Students must submit documentation of an extenuating circumstance (i.e. doctor’s notice, letter from an academic advisor, etc.) with their SAP Appeal Form. Circumstances related to the typical adjustment to college life are not considered for appealing suspension of financial aid. SAP Appeals will be reviewed by a university-wide committee on a monthly basis. Submitting an appeal does not guarantee that aid will be reinstated.
The SAP Appeal deadlines are as follows:
Fall – October 15
Spring – March 15
Summer – June 1
Outside of an approved SAP Appeal, students can regain their financial aid eligibility by successfully completing enough coursework to bring their GPA and course completion ratio at or above the required minimums. If students believe they now meet the SAP requirements, but their financial aid eligibility has been cancelled, they must submit the SAP Review Request to potentially regain financial aid eligibility.
Please view the SAP Review and Appeal section of our webiste for more information on and to submit a SAP Appeal or SAP Review Request. All SAP Appeals and SAP Review Requests must be submitted online. If you encounter difficulties in accessing or understanding the SAP Appeal or SAP Review Request forms on the website, please email oad@uic.edu for technical assistance.
Q: How much does it cost to attend UIC?
A: The Office of the Registrar assesses tuition and fees at UIC. Please see their office’s website for information on tuition and fees: https://registrar.uic.edu/financial-matters/tuition-and-fees/. Questions regarding tuition and fees should be directed to the Office of the Registrar at registration@uic.edu.
Q: How can I waive the Campus Care health insurance fee if I already have insurance?
A: Students can waive the CampusCare health insurance if they already have health care coverage through another source by completing an online waiver form available through the CampusCare office website: www.campuscare.uic.edu. Please see the CampusCare website for information on the deadline to submit the online waiver form and contact their office directly for any questions regarding CampusCare or CampusCare waivers.
Q: How do I get on a payment plan?
A: Payment plans are set up with the University Bursar. For information on payment plans, please visit their website: https://paymybill.uillinois.edu/payments/PaymentPlan. Students should direct any questions regarding payment plans to the University Bursar at bursarhelp@uillinois.edu.
Q: When is my bill due?
A: Students are billed each semester by the University Bursar. Click on the University Bursar link for more information on billing due dates.
Q: Where can I get the 1098-T form so I can complete my tax return?
A: The 1098-T form is made available to students online each year by the University Bursar. Please see the University Bursar website for more information: https://paymybill.uillinois.edu/resources/understanding_my_1098-t. Contact the University Bursar if you need assistance accessing your 1098-T at bursarhelp@uillinois.edu.
Q: How can I verify my enrollment for loan deferment?
A: At UIC, the Office of the Registrar processes in-school deferment requests for students and verifies enrollment. This typically occurs after the add/drop period.
Please feel free to use this system from the Office of the Registrar, which allows students to log in and see what enrollment information has been sent to The National Student Clearinghouse. Students can also print an enrollment form and send it to whoever needs this information (loan servicer, employment, another school, etc.).
Here is the link to the system through the Office of the Registrar: https://registrar.uic.edu/student-records/enrollment-degree-verification-course-descriptions/
Please contact the Office of the Registrar directly if you need further assistance regarding deferment/enrollment verification at registration@uic.edu.
Q: Who determines my residency status, and how can I change it?
A: The Office of Admissions determines residency for new incoming students based on their admissions application and by the Office of the Registrar for continuing students.
Admitted or continuing students who believe they were incorrectly categorized as Out-of-State or who believe they now qualify for an In-State tuition assessment must submit a Petition for Determination of Residency Status along with documentation supporting their claim. A list of suggested documents to submit with the petition is included on the first page of the petition. These residency petitions are reviewed within the Office of the Registrar. Please be mindful that strict deadlines do apply for the receipt of petitions for each term. Admitted or continuing students should contact the Office of the Registrar with regard to residency guidelines or their petition for a change in residency status.
Q: I received my financial aid offer. What are the next steps?
Students can view their financial aid offer and accept or decline loans following the steps below.
- Log in to the portal at https://my.uic.edu.
- Select the “Financial Aid Status” menu.
- From the list on “Financial Aid Pages,” select “Financial Aid Notification.”
- Read the Terms and Conditions and check the box to confirm that you have read the notice.
- Once you accept the Terms and Conditions, you can view your notification.
- To accept your financial aid offer, click the “Accept/Decline Aid” button located at the bottom of the page.
- Review the offer and choose to “Accept”, “Decline”, or “Modify” the offer.
- Finally, click the “submit” button to complete the process at the bottom of the page.
Please be sure to complete the loan requirements, as loans cannot be disbursed without Loan Entrance Counseling (LEC) and the Master Promissory Note (MPN).
Entrance Counseling: https://studentaid.gov/
Please allow 3 business days for our office to receive your LEC and or MPN. After we receive your loan requirements, we make financial and payments twice a week, for fall payments are made on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Any amount you accept over your school balance will be sent to you via a refund.
If you still need to enroll in Direct Deposit, please use the link below.
COVID-19 Emergency Grant Heading link
1. Who qualifies for a UIC COVID-19 Emergency Grant?
- To be eligible for a COVID-19 Emergency Grant, you must have:
- Filed a FAFSA prior to 3/13/2020
- Submitted all required documentation to the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships before 3/13/2020;
- Been enrolled in an in-person, degree seeking program prior to 3/13/2020 and remained enrolled through the semester;
- Been enrolled at half-time status or greater during Spring semester 2020, this means for:
- Undergraduate Students = 6 credits or above
- Graduate Students = 5 credits or above
- Professional Students = 6 credits or above
2. Is there an application required?
Yes, an application is required for this program. No additional documentation is required.
If you have been selected to receive the UIC COVID 19 Emergency Grant, please follow the below steps to access your application:
- Log in to the student portal: my.uic.edu
- Click on the Financial Aid tab (second top tab)
- Once on Financial Aid tab click on “Student Requirements”
- Select the 2019-2020 Aid year click “Submit”
- Then click on: “COVID-19 Emergency Grant Application”
For upload instructions, please click here: https://docs.financialaid.uic.edu/docs/PDF_upload_guide.pdf
3. How much is the COVID – 19 Emergency Grant?
$1,000 for Spring Semester. Due to funding limitations, awards will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.
4. Is there a deadline for me to upload my application?
Yes, you must provide your application to the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships via the Student Portal by 5/8/2020. Incomplete applications will be denied. Applications submitted after 5/8/2020 will not be considered.
5. How will I know if I am approved?
- If you are approved, the status of your application on the Student Portal will be moved to “Satisfied.”
- You will also receive a revised award letter listing the COVID-19 Emergency Grant Award in your financial aid information.
6. If I am approved, will the COVID-19 Emergency Grant affect my other financial aid?
No, approval of your COVID-19 Emergency Grant will not affect the amount or eligibility for other financial aid that you have already received.
Please note that each student can receive ONLY ONE Emergency Grant per semester from UIC. If you have received a previous Emergency Grant from your department or another UIC source, we will review your eligibility to determine which grant provides the most assistance to you.
7. If I am approved, will the COVID-19 Emergency Grant count against my tuition and fees if I still owe a balance to UIC?
No, this grant will not be applied by the University towards any outstanding balance you may owe UIC. Nor will it decrease any payments owed against your payment plan, or the amount due. You can use it to cover any expenses of your choice that may have resulted due to impacts COVID-19. You will not need to report how you used this funding.
8. If I am approved, when can I expect to receive my $1,000 COVID-19 Emergency Grant?
We will begin making disbursements to student accounts after the 5/8/2020 deadline. Emergency Grants will be provided via direct deposit. You must be enrolled in direct deposit to receive a UIC Emergency Grant.
1. Will the UIC Emergency Grant be available for the Summer 2020 semester?
Yes, there are COVID-19 Emergency Grants during the Summer 2020 Semester but the amount of funding is limited.
2. Who will qualify for Summer COVID-19 Emergency Grants?
- To be eligible for a Summer COVID-19 Emergency Grant, you must have:
- Filed a FAFSA and submitted all required documentation to the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships by 3/13/2020;
- Been enrolled in an in-person, degree-seeking program prior to 3/13/2020;
- Be enrolled at UIC in any credit status* through the end of the final add/drop period for Summer 2020, which is 6/19/2020;(*This includes 0 credit hour internships)
3. Do I need to submit an application for the Summer 2020 UIC COVID-19 Emergency Grant?
No; No documentation is required for consideration for this program for Summer 2020.
4. How much is the COVID – 19 Emergency Grant?
$1,000 for Summer Semester
5. If I meet the criteria for eligibility listed above, am I guaranteed to receive a UIC COVID-19 Emergency Grant for Summer 2020?
- No, funding is limited for Summer 2020 and will be awarded as based on:
- Undergraduates = Initial Date of Summer Registration
- Graduate/Professionals = Date of 19/20 FAFSA submission
6. How will I know if I am approved?
If approved, you will receive an email from the Office of Student Financial Aid noting your approval for this program on or after 6/22/2020
7. If I am approved, will the COVID-19 Emergency Grant affect my other financial aid?
No, approval of your COVID-19 Emergency Grant will not affect the amount or eligibility for other financial aid that you have already received.
Please note that each student can receive ONLY ONE Emergency Grant per semester from UIC. If you have received a previous Emergency Grant from your department or another UIC source, we will review your eligibility to determine which grant provides the most assistance to you.
HOWEVER, if you received a UIC COVID-19 Emergency Grant for Spring 2020, that DOES NOT disqualify you for Summer 2020 approval.
8. If I am approved, will the COVID-19 Emergency Grant count against my tuition and fees if I still owe a balance to UIC?
No, this grant will not be applied by the University towards any outstanding balance you may owe UIC. Nor will it decrease any payments owed against your payment plan, or the amount due. You can use it to cover any expenses of your choice that may have resulted due to impacts COVID-19. You will not need to report how you used this funding.
9. If I am approved, when can I expect to receive my $1,000 Emergency Grant?
We will begin making disbursements to student accounts after the final add/drop period for Summer semester, starting the week of 6/22/2020.
1. Will there be COVID-19 Emergency Grants available for Fall 2020 semester?
- Yes, however, funding is very limited.
2. Who is eligible to apply for a COIVD-19 Emergency Grant for Fall 2020 semester?
- You must have filed a FAFSA for the 20/21 award year
- Be enrolled in an in-person, degree seeking program for the Fall 2020 semester; and
- You must have filed and been approved a Change of Financial Situation Appeal for the 20/21 Academic Year
- Your change of income MUST be due to the COVID 19 Pandemic
- Please see this link for more information: https://financialaid.uic.edu/aid-process/change-of-financial-situation/
3. Is an application required?
- Please see this link for the application process: https://financialaid.uic.edu/aid-process/change-of-financial-situation/
4. How much is the COVID-19 Emergency Grant for Fall 2020 semester?
- $3,000 for Dependent Students; $1,500 for Independent Students. Due to funding limitations, awards will be made on a first-come, first-served basis as based on your Change of Financial Situation Approval date.
5. How will I know if I am approved?
- If you are approved, the status of your Change of Financial Situation Appeal document will be moved to “Satisfied” on your student portal.
- Once approved, your grant will be processed to your student account in 5 to 7 business days, starting Monday, September 7th.
6. If I am approved, will the COVID-19 Emergency Grant affect my other financial aid?
- No, approval of your COVID-19 Emergency Grant will not affect the amount or eligibility for other financial aid that you have already received.
Please note that each student can receive ONLY ONE Emergency Grant per semester from UIC. If you have received a previous Emergency Grant from your department or another UIC source for the Fall semester, we will review your eligibility to determine which grant provides the most assistance to you.
7. If I am approved, will the COVID-19 Emergency Grant count against my tuition and fees if I still owe a balance to UIC?
- No, this grant will not be applied by the University towards any outstanding balance you may owe UIC. Nor will it decrease any payments owed against your payment plan, or the amount due. You can use it to cover any expenses of your choice that may have resulted due to impacts COVID-19. You will not need to report how you used this funding.
8. If I am approved, when can I expect to receive my COVID-19 Emergency Grant?
- We will begin making disbursements to student accounts after Fall semester add/drop deadline, starting September 7th. Emergency Grants will be provided via direct deposit. You must be enrolled in direct deposit to receive a UIC Emergency Grant.
1. Will there be a COVID-19 Emergency Grant available for the Spring 2021 semester?
- As of 2/24/2021 all COVID-19 Emergency Grant funding allocated to SFAS has been exhausted. For Emergency Grant support, please review: https://dos.uic.edu/student-assistance/uicare/u-i-care-fund/
2. Who is eligible to apply for a COVID-19 Emergency Grant for the Spring 2021 semester?
- You must have filed a FAFSA for the 20/21 Academic Year
- Be enrolled in an in-person, degree seeking program for the Spring 2021 semester; and
- You must have filed and been approved for the Change of Financial Situation UIC COVID-19 Emergency Grant Application for the 20/21 Academic Year
- Your change of income MUST be due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
3. Is an application required?
- Please contact your Financial Aid Counselor at https://financialaid.uic.edu/faq/contact-us/ for more information.
4. How much is the COVID-19 Emergency Grant for the Spring 2021 semester?
- $3,000 for Dependent Students; $1,500 for Independent Students. Due to funding limitations, awards will be made on a first-come, first-served basis as based on your Change of Financial Situation UIC COVID-19 Emergency Grant Application Approval date.
5. If I received the COVID-19 Emergency Grant from SFAS for the Fall 2020 semester, can I also receive the COVID-19 Emergency Grant for the Spring 2021 semester?
- Yes, but only if you are completing the Change of Financial Situation UIC COVID-19 Emergency Grant Application for a new circumstance that applies to a different eligible individual.
6. How will I know if I am approved?
- If you are approved, you will receive an email from our office indicating you have been approved.
- Once approved, your COVID-19 Emergency Grant will be processed to your student account in 5 to 7 business days, starting Monday, January 25th.
7. If I am approved, will the COVID-19 Emergency Grant affect my other financial aid?
- No, approval of your COVID-19 Emergency Grant will not affect the amount or eligibility for other financial aid that you have already received.
Please note that each student can receive ONLY ONE COVID-19 Emergency Grant per semester from UIC. If you have received a previous Emergency Grant from your department or another UIC source for the Spring 2021 semester, we will review your eligibility to determine which grant provides the most assistance to you.
8. If I am approved, will the COVID-19 Emergency Grant count against my tuition and fees if I still owe a balance to UIC?
- No, this grant will not be applied by the University towards any outstanding balance you may owe UIC. Nor will it decrease any payments owed against your payment plan, or the amount due. You can use it to cover any expenses of your choice that may have resulted due to the impacts of COVID-19. You will not need to report how you used this funding.
9. If I am approved, when can I expect to receive my COVID-19 Emergency Grant?
- We will begin making disbursements to student accounts after the Spring 2021 semester add/drop deadline, starting January 25th. COVID-19 Emergency Grants will be provided via direct deposit. You must be enrolled in direct deposit to receive a UIC COVID-19 Emergency Grant.
1. Who qualifies for a UIC COVID-19 Emergency Grant?
- To be eligible for a COVID-19 Emergency Grant, you must have:
- Filed a FAFSA for the 20/21 Academic Year OR have filed an Alternative Application for State Financial Aid for the 20/21 Academic Year
- Submitted all required documentation to confirm financial aid eligibility to the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships before 3/22/2021
- Have an Expected Family Contribution of 0 – 9000 as based on your FAFSA Application (FAFSA filers ONLY)
- Be enrolled in a degree-seeking program for the Spring 2021 semester.
- If you are not eligible to file a FAFSA or the Alternative Application for State Financial Aid, you can apply for a U and I Cares Emergency Grant via the Dean of Students Office.
- Please note the amount of funding is limited, and available on first-come, first-served basis
- Approval is not guaranteed
- Additional information may be found at: https://dos.uic.edu/student-assistance/uicare/u-i-care-fund/
2. I am a Graduate/Professional student. Am I eligible for the Spring 2021 COVID 19 II Emergency Grant?
- Yes, Graduate/Professional students have been allocated Emergency Funding
- To be eligible for a COVID-19 Emergency Grant, you must have:
- Filed a FAFSA for the 20/21 Academic Year
- Submitted all required documentation to confirm financial aid eligibility to the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships before 3/22/2021
- Be enrolled in a degree seeking program for the Spring 2021 semester.
3. How much is the COVID–19 Emergency Grant?
- Up to $1,000 for Spring Semester.
4. Is there an application required?

- Undergraduate Students – NO, an application is NOT required
- Graduate/Professional Students – YES, an application IS required
- If you are eligible for the COVID -19 Emergency Grant, your portal (my.uic.edu) will be updated with a document for you to complete and upload. See sample email image shown on the side.
- At that time, you may apply; however, funding is limited and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Electronic signatures are also acceptable for the application
- If you are eligible for the COVID -19 Emergency Grant, your portal (my.uic.edu) will be updated with a document for you to complete and upload. See sample email image shown on the side.
5. I am a Graduate/Professional student. Is there a deadline for me to upload my application?
- Yes, you must provide your application to the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships via the Student Portal by 4/15/2021 (DEADLINE HAS NOW BEEN EXTENDED TO 4/30/2021!)
- Incomplete applications will be denied
- Applications submitted after 4/30/2021 will not be considered.
6. I am an Undergraduate student. How will I know if I am approved?
- An email will be sent to your @uic.edu email address with your approval confirmation.
7. I am a Graduate/Professional student. How will I know if I am approved?
- If you are approved, the status of your application on the Student Portal will be moved to “Satisfied”
- An email will be sent to your @uic.edu email address with your approval confirmation.
8. If I am approved, will the COVID-19 II Emergency Grant affect my other financial aid?
- No, approval of your COVID-19 II Emergency Grant will not affect the amount or eligibility for other financial aid that you have already received.
Please note that each student can receive ONLY ONE Emergency Grant per semester from UIC. If you have received a previous Emergency Grant from your department or another UIC source, we will review your eligibility to determine which grant provides the most assistance to you.
9. If I am approved, will the COVID-19 II Emergency Grant count against my tuition and fees if I still owe a balance to UIC?
- No, this grant will not be applied by the University towards any outstanding balance you may owe UIC, nor will it decrease any payments owed against your payment plan or the amount due. You can use it to cover any expenses of your choice that may have resulted due to the impact of COVID-19. You will not need to report how you used this funding.
10. If I am approved, when can I expect to receive my $1000 COVID-19 Emergency Grant?
- We will begin making disbursements to student accounts after 4/2/21 for Undergraduate students with a FAFSA on file and 4/26/21 for Graduate/Professional students.
- For student who filed an Alternative Application for State Financial Aid, we will begin making disbursements at the end of April/early May. Emergency Grants will be provided via direct deposit. You must be enrolled in direct deposit to receive a UIC Emergency Grant.
1. Will the UIC Emergency Grant be available for the Summer 2021 semester?
- Yes, there are COVID-19 Emergency Grants during the Summer 2021 Semester but the amount of funding is limited.
2. Who will qualify for Summer COVID-19 Emergency Grants?
- To be eligible for a Summer COVID-19 Emergency Grant, you must have:
- Be enrolled in a degree-seeking program during Summer 2021
- PLEASE NOTE: International students are not eligible for Summer 2021 COVID III Emergency Grants
- For Emergency Support, International students can apply for funding via the U and I Care Emergency Fund in the Dean of Student’s Office
- PLEASE NOTE: International students are not eligible for Summer 2021 COVID III Emergency Grants
- Be enrolled at UIC in any credit status* through the end of the final add/drop period for Summer 2021, which is 6/18/2021;
*This includes 0 credit hour internships
- Be enrolled in a degree-seeking program during Summer 2021
3. Do I need to submit an application for the Summer 2021 UIC COVID-19 III Emergency Grant?
- No; No documentation is required for consideration for this program for Summer 2021.
4. How much is the COVID – 19 III Emergency Grant?
- $500 for Summer Semester
5. If I meet the criteria for eligibility listed above, am I guaranteed to receive a UIC COVID-19 III Emergency Grant for Summer 2021?
- Yes, if you meet the criteria above, you can expect to receive a $500 COVID-19 III Emergency Grant for the Summer term
6. How will I know if I am approved?
- If approved, you will receive an email from the Office of Student Financial Aid noting your approval for this program on or after 6/22/2021
7. If I am approved, will the COVID-19 III Emergency Grant affect my other financial aid?
- No, approval of your COVID-19 III Emergency Grant will not affect the amount or eligibility for other financial aid that you have already received.
- Please note that each student can receive ONLY ONE Emergency Grant per semester from UIC. If you have received a previous Emergency Grant from your department or another UIC source, we will review your eligibility to determine which grant provides the most assistance to you. HOWEVER, if you received a UIC COVID-19 II Emergency Grant for Spring 2021, that DOES NOT disqualify you for Summer 2021 approval.
8. If I am approved, will the COVID-19 Emergency Grant count against my tuition and fees if I still owe a balance to UIC?
- No, this grant will not be applied by the University towards any outstanding balance you may owe UIC. Nor will it decrease any payments owed against your payment plan, or the amount due. You can use it to cover any expenses of your choice that may have resulted due to impacts COVID-19. You will not need to report how you used this funding.
9. If I am approved, when can I expect to receive my $500 Emergency Grant?
- We will begin making disbursements to student accounts after the final add/drop period for Summer semester, starting the week of 6/22/2021
1. Will the UIC Emergency Grant be available for the Fall 2021 semester?
- Yes, there are COVID-19 Emergency Grants during the Fall 2021 Semester but the amount of funding is limited
2. Who qualifies for a UIC COVID-19 Emergency Grant?
- To be eligible for a Fall COVID-19 Emergency Grant, you must:
- Be enrolled in a degree-seeking program during Fall 2021
- PLEASE NOTE: International students are not eligible for Fall 2021 COVID III Emergency Grants
- For Emergency Support, International students can apply for funding via the U and I Care Emergency Fund in the Dean of Student’s Office
- PLEASE NOTE: International students are not eligible for Fall 2021 COVID III Emergency Grants
- Be enrolled at UIC in any credit status through the end of the final add/drop period for Fall 2021, which is Friday, September 3rd.
- Be enrolled in a degree-seeking program during Fall 2021
3. I am a Graduate/Professional student. Am I eligible for the Fall 2021 COVID 19 III Emergency Grant?
- Yes, Graduate/Professional students have been allocated Emergency Funding; an application will be required (please see below).
4. How much is the COVID–19 III Emergency Grant?
- Up to $1,000 for Fall Semester.
5. Is there an application required?
- Undergraduate Students, with established EFCs as based on the FAFSA or RISE application in range of 0 -9000: NO, an application is NOT required
- Remaining Undergraduates/Graduate/Professional Students – YES, an application IS required. Applications for eligible students will be posted to the UIC portal (my.uic.edu) in mid-September.
- If you are required to complete an application for the COVID -19 III Emergency Grant, your portal (my.uic.edu) will be updated with a document for you to complete and upload.
- At that time, you may apply; however, funding is limited and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
- If you are required to complete an application for the COVID -19 III Emergency Grant, your portal (my.uic.edu) will be updated with a document for you to complete and upload.
6. I am a Graduate/Professional student or I am an Undergraduate student and my EFC is greater than 9000, is there a deadline for me to upload my application?
- Yes, you must provide your application to the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships via the Student Portal by Friday, October 1st
- Incomplete applications will be denied
- Applications submitted after October 1st will not be considered.
7. I am a Graduate/Professional student or I am an Undergraduate student and my EFC is greater than 9000. How will I know if I am approved?
- If you are approved, the status of your application on the Student Portal will be moved to “Satisfied”
- An email will be sent to your @uic.edu email address with your approval confirmation.
8. If I am approved, will the COVID-19 III Emergency Grant affect my other financial aid?
- No, approval of your COVID-19 II Emergency Grant will not affect the amount or eligibility for other financial aid that you have already received.
- Please note that each student can receive ONLY ONE Emergency Grant per semester from UIC. If you have received a previous Emergency Grant from your department or another UIC source, we will review your eligibility to determine which grant provides the most assistance to you.
9. If I am approved, will the COVID-19 III Emergency Grant count against my tuition and fees if I still owe a balance to UIC?
- No, this grant will not be applied by the University towards any outstanding balance you may owe UIC, nor will it decrease any payments owed against your payment plan or the amount due. You can use it to cover any expenses of your choice that may have resulted due to the impact of COVID-19. You will not need to report how you used this funding.
10. If I am approved, when can I expect to receive my $1000 COVID-19 Emergency Grant?
- We will begin making disbursements to student accounts after September 7th for Undergraduate Students, with established EFCs as based on the FAFSA or RISE application in range of 0-9000.
- After October 11th for Remaining Undergraduates/Graduate/Professional students.
1. Will the UIC COVID-19 III Emergency Grant be available for the Spring 2022 semester?
- Yes, there are COVID-19 Emergency Grants during the Spring 2022 Semester but the amount of funding is limited.
2. Who will qualify for Spring 2022 COVID-19 III Emergency Grants?
- To be eligible for a Spring 2022 COVID-19 Emergency Grant, you must:
- Be enrolled in a program during Spring 2022
- PLEASE NOTE: International students are not eligible for Spring 2022 COVID III Emergency Grants
- For Emergency Support, International students can apply for funding via the U and I Care Emergency Fund in the Dean of Student’s Office
- PLEASE NOTE: International students are not eligible for Spring 2022 COVID III Emergency Grants
- Be enrolled at UIC in any credit status greater than 0 credits through the end of the final add/drop period for Spring 2022 which ends on January 21, 2022
- Be enrolled in a program during Spring 2022
3. Do I need to apply for the Spring 2022 UIC COVID-19 III Emergency Grant?
- No; No documentation is required for consideration for this program for Spring 2022
4. How much is the Spring 2022 COVID – 19 III Emergency Grant?
- The COVID-19 III Grant Amount is to be determined for Spring 2022, however, all eligible students will receive the SAME amount of funding
5. If I meet the criteria for eligibility listed above, am I guaranteed to receive a UIC COVID-19 III Emergency Grant for Spring 2022?
- Yes, if you meet the criteria above, you can expect to receive a payment from the COVID-19 III Emergency Grant for the Spring term
6. How will I know if I am approved?
- If approved, you will receive an email from the Office of Student Financial Aid noting your approval for this program on or after January 31, 2022
7. If I am approved, will the Spring 2022 COVID-19 III Emergency Grant affect my other financial aid?
- No, approval of your Spring 2022 COVID-19 III Emergency Grant will not affect the amount or eligibility for other financial aid that you have already received.
8. If I am approved, will the Spring 2022 COVID-19 III Emergency Grant count against my tuition and fees if I still owe a balance to UIC?
- No, the University will not apply this payment towards any outstanding balance you may owe UIC. Nor will it decrease any payments owed against your payment plan, or the amount due. You can use it to cover any expenses of your choice that may have resulted due to impacts COVID-19. You will not need to report how you used this funding.
9. If I am approved, when can I expect to receive my Spring 2022 COVID-19 III Emergency Grant?
- We will begin making disbursements to student accounts after the final add/drop period for Spring semester, starting the week of January 31, 2022
10. Will the COVID-19 Emergency Grant program be available in future UIC terms after Spring 2022?
- NO. Spring 2022 is the LAST TERM of all COVID-19 Emergency Grant programs.
FALL 2020 COVID funds update Heading link
If you have a change in your financial situation, and would like to appeal the information provided on your 22/23 FAFSA application, please review this page: