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Understanding Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP): Heading link

***SAP Appeal Form and Review Request From and Directions at the bottom of page in highlighted box.***

Federal and State regulations require financial aid recipients (undergraduate, graduate, or
professional) to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward their degree or
certificate in order to receive continued/uninterrupted financial aid funds.

As a UIC student, you must maintain compliance in three criteria to remain eligible for Federal
Financial Aid:

  1. Completion Ratio (CROP) – Must have 67% and above
    1. Rate of Progress = Classes successfully completed/Classes attempted
  2. GPA of 2.00 or better (for all students–regardless of credits earned or year in school)
    1. Overall hours are calculated as Institutional Attempted Hours +Transfer Earned
  3. Maximum Timeframe-Must not exceed 150% of degree hours
    1. A student cannot take more than 150% of their required degree credits

*If you are uncertain how to calculate the above criteria, or determine where your eligibility stands, please contact your academic advisor, or utilize the SAP calculation resources located: HERE

What to do if you do not meet the above criteria and face SAP Cancellation: Heading link

If a student fails any of the three SAP measures (CROP, GPA, or Max Timeframe) at the end of
the Spring Semester, their eligibility for future financial aid will be cancelled

  • Students not meeting the SAP requirements will be notified via their UIC email address
  • Once enrolled for a term a student accepts responsibility for any bill assessed regardless
    of their financial aid status
  • Students may request a review or appeal their status


Please review the directions for both processes before accessing the form. You will need to have all materials prepared before accessing and submitting the form.

Read carefully to determine which process fits your situation:

Select a SAP Review Request if: Select a SAP Appeal if:
A grade change You do not meet the required GPA
An incomplete grade finalized You do not meet the completion rate and you do not meet the GPA
Transfer credits that need to be reviewed
(generally from the summer following the spring SAP cancellation)
You have exceeded the maximum timeframe of 180 hours
Retroactive Course Cancellation Any other situation that requires explanation


  • View your record to see if you meet the above SAP criteria: Sign in; Choose “Student” tab and then navigate to “Financial Aid Menu” to then view “Satisfactory Academic Progress”.
  • Fill out form completely
  • Select the appropriate reason for the request
  • DO NOT use a Review Request if you have exceeded 180 credit hours – you would need to use a SAP Appeal for Max Time Frame

Please read the form and all directions completely….click here to access the ***Review Request Form***


5 Steps for Successfully Submitting your SAP Appeal:

  1. Ensure that you have all documents ready before accessing the form: Personal statement, Advisor NetID, and any supporting documents
  2. Write a personal statement as a word doc or PDF to upload:
    1. What occurred; why did you fail to meet the SAP requirements?
    2. How have you resolved these circumstances so that they will not continue to
      affect you in the future?
    3. If you have exceeded the maximum time frame explain how/why the number of
      hours was accumulated.
  3. Advisor Section/Advisor NETID:
    1. Your appeal requires a statement from your advisor speaking to your academic progress; for example, your primary designated college advisor or advisors and coaches in LARES, ACE, Honors, or Athletics….not a faculty advisor.
    2. You will need to enter your advisor’s exact NETID. To find their NETID, use iAdvise or look up their email (the NetID is the portion of the email address before the @ symbol) Example:
    3. If you need help finding your advisor please access your Success Network via iAdvise *Look for Advisor under Success Network. We will send them a form to fill out on your behalf.
  4. Gather all supporting documentation (medical note, incident report, etc.) to upload:
    1. Appeals without supporting documentation will be denied.
    2. If a professional is providing a letter to support your appeal, it must be signed,
      dated and on letterhead.
    3. All letters must include contact information (address and phone number) for the
      committee to contact if they determine follow-up is necessary.
    4. Some examples of appropriate supporting documentation are as follows:
      Family CircumstancesMedical ConcernsEmotional Medical Concerns
      -Marriage Certificate
      -Birth Certificate
      -Divorce Papers
      -Court Documents
      -Police Reports
      -A Copy of Plane Tickets
      Letter from Doctor:
      -Verifying illness
      -Verifying treatment
      -Supporting your ability
      to handle
      an academic course-load
      Letter from a Counselor /Therapist:
      -Verifying treatment
      -Supporting your ability to handle an
      academic course-load

      DeathAccidentPrevious Degree
      -Death Certificate
      -Memorial Service Bulletin
      -Original Police Report
      -Medical Documentation
      -Car Repair Bills
      -Unofficial Transcripts
      -Request to Change Major
      -Explanation of Career Change
  5. Submit by deadline. You receive notice of your financial aid cancellation in May. If you would like to appeal your cancellation, you must apply before the date below in the term you are desiring to
    have your aid eligibility reinstated:

    • If you want aid starting in the Summer – deadline June 1
    • If you want aid starting in the Fall – deadline October 15
    • If you want aid starting in the Spring – deadline March 15

Alert: The Appeal application will close at 11:59pm on the deadline date. If you are accessing the form after the deadline, your appeal will be invalid and NOT processed. You will receive an email indicating your appeal is NOT being reviewed.

Please be advised this a multi-step application process. The process of application is not complete until it reaches step 5. Your appeal will follow the steps below:

  1. Student Initiate – you will receive email confirming receipt
  2. Advisor Evaluation – you will receive an email when your advisor completes the evaluation – your advisor may try to contact you to discuss – please answer their inquiry ASAP
    1. ) Financial Aid Review – you will receive an email that your appeal is either ready for committee review – or – THEY SEND BACK TO YOU FOR CORRECTIONS
    2. ) Corrections phase (if needed)
  3. Committee Review – You will receive an email when your appeal is in committee review – it can take 4-6 weeks for the committee to deliver a decision
  4. Final Decision – You will receive an email with the final decision

***Important Note: Students in cancellation status may enroll in classes. However, if the
appeal is denied the student remains responsible for any charges incurred at UIC. Financial
Aid cannot be retroactively reinstated if an appeal is approved after a semester has ended or
if an appeal is incomplete and the documents are submitted after a term ends.

***Please Note: UIC staff are responsible employees who must report sexual misconduct violations to the
university’s Title IX Coordinator. If a student discloses in an appeal that they are a victim of gender or sexual
orientation-based discrimination, harassment, or misconduct, it will be reported in compliance with UIC’s Title IX
policy. For more information, please visit Sexual Misconduct Policy | Sexual Misconduct | University of Illinois Chicago (

If you need help filling out your review request or appeal, contact your
advisor or someone in your success network. How to find my advisor: Click iAdvise

Please read the 5 steps for successfully submitting a SAP Appeal first. Once you are in the form, please read all directions completely….click here to access the ***SAP Appeal Form***

Need Technical Help? Heading link

If you encounter difficulties in accessing or understanding the forms, please email